Friday, December 25, 2009

more fake but usable cards

(Bald Eagle,$20) (Virtuos Skies,$20) (Polar Bear,$15) (Meteor Shower,$17) (Leadership,$10)


i will post everytime i get a new card and u can bargain if me in the chat box k thanks all

other cards

strong card,$2

miracle card,$1

second bronze rare

(nile crocodile,$9) (sealords insignia,$15) (photo copy sea lord insignia,$5) (joe the tiger,$15)

(kid the tiger,$15) (photo copied young tiger set,$6) (red scorpion photocopy,$10)

(Grey wolf,$10) (icarus the young eagle,$10)

first non-rare cards

(peregrine falcon,$1.50) (african wild dog,$1.50) (Sawshark,$1) (hippo harry,$2)

(hippo barry,$2.50) (Coral snake the 2nd,$2) (rattlesnake the 2nd,$2) (dark scorpion,$2.50)

(smalltooth sawfish,$1) (manta ray,$2) (indian gavial,$1.50) (florida bark scorpion,$1.50)

(cheetah,$1) (Golden eagle,$2.50)